Our aluminium foundry is located in Hemmoor. Individual items and small batches are produced there using hand mould casting, while larger quantities are produced using machine mould casting. Production takes place exclusively using the sand casting process in synthetic resin-bonded or bentonite-bonded moulding sand.
The aluminium melt is always tested for purity and gas content and treated and refined with purging gases as required. Only ingot aluminium with guaranteed analysis of the composition by the suppliers is used. The entire casting production is monitored by a continuous quality assurance system.
All cast materials are analysed daily in our own test laboratory and the results are continuously documented. In this way, we can guarantee perfect casting and microstructure quality. As a manufacturer of safety castings with our own test laboratory and corresponding approvals, we deliver the highest casting quality.
G-AlSi10Mg, G-AlSi7Mg, G-AlSi5, G-AlMg3, Unifont 90, G-AlCu4Ti
Single pieces, small and medium series
Unit weights from 0.5 to 500 kg
Quality assurance, including
- Ultrasonic testing
- Helium leak testing
- Leak testing
- Tensile strength testing
Works and acceptance certificates